So less than a week ago my husband, Jimmy bought me a laptop so I could continue with my writing. Well, it went to internal error hell. All I have to say is "Thank God for Google Documents!" If it wasn't for that I would be in a writing slump shedding fruitless tears over lost writings. I could see me with my Sylvia Plath pose, head in the oven crying, screaming kids while my husband was at work. Ok maybe not that bad, but close.
I jokingly told my friend Jeremy I could use the broken laptop as a footrest. I was not to happy. I must have called Jimmy a dozen or more times. I was really upset because, I had ideas of things to write and wanted to do so. Well, now I can say "Hello Dummy! Paper and pen, old school that shit next time." But, I was consumed with the loss of an electronic device and wasn't thinking straight. Glad that is over. (Oh Jimmy said I could use his but, that's not the same.)
Jimmy and myself went to the doctors today. He has a new blood pressure medication. Oh the joys, he is way too young for all that nonsense. Nothing a little herbal remedy can't fix, along with some exercise and diet change. Now me, I am on thyroid meds. When the doctor told me that, I was thought to myself "Is it downhill from here? Is this what getting old is like?" I have always considered myself healthy fat and now this. Oh and now my left breast is giving me pain. More than likely it's not cancer since my white cells are good. So what gives? Maybe hormones or something wacky. But, I have sought out some alternative treatments for pain other than motrin and tylenol, I'd like to keep my kidney's healthy thank you. Just in case you wanted to know, I hate pills. I really hate pills.
That is all today.
Peace and Pills,
random fact: i apparently sleep text
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