Not only have I been sick. These are two of the five cute faces who were sick as well. Not cool.
I missed a lot of things being sick, but it looks like it was a good thing. I would have been upset, hurt and miserable anyhow. Looking forward to this weekend, we have the Autism Rocks Festival and going to spend fathers day with my friend Angie and her family. It will be cool to see her and her boys. Jimmy and her hubby get a long which is weird. He is not usually friends with males. He really does need a good female friend. He thinks most men are macho and showy. He cracks me up....oh wait my best friend is male and thinks the same thing. There must be a reason they are in my life.
I really wish my ear was not plugged up still. I feel like I have a nasty ear. Kind of gross but, the high cost of having allergies and remaining off of medications for them. Once my balance is back I need to start going to roller derby and see if I can balance myself.
For now that would be all.
Love and Ears
Sending lots of good thought and healing energy your way. It sucks to be sick and have to take care of everyone else too. I know.
I use a homeopathic allergy med sometimes. It helps a little. Not completely, but it takes the edge off.
Posted by: Me | 06/16/2011 at 07:22 AM