Just encase someone wants to know and thinks my kids are running wild in the backyard naked...well maybe not today ;)
Unschooling Manifesto For the Sherman Children of San Jacinto, Ca
Dexter d.o.b 11.23.1999
Joaquin d.o.b. 08.05.2002
Margaret d.o.b 06.02.2-004
Waylon d.o.b 06.26.2006
Hezekiah d.o.b 09.28.2008
Broad Curriculum Areas
The family will learn at home, in the company of their mother. Their father will also play a major role, as will various family and friends, and members of the community
We see education as a marathon rather than a sprint, and are focused on their long-term education. It is our hope that at the end of her homeschooling, they will be able to happily do whatever it is they wants to do with their lives and continue to want to learn.
Their education will be flexible and able to be adjusted as each of their needs change. They will be involved in the construction of their own curriculum, based around their particular interests.
We believe that life is not compartmentalised in to subjects and neither should education be. All subjects overlap and are inherently intertwined.
Our goal for all our children is that they be able to communicate on all levels, and that reading in particular will become a life-long pleasure for all of them.
We also hope that all of the childrens reading ability will become such that they are able to understand and enjoy all forms of written material.
Dexter, Joaquin, Margaret, Waylon and Hezekiah will become competent in Literacy in the following (and more) ways:
* Conversations with us, each other and others.
* Being read to.
* Reading for themselves.
* Listening to books on cd, tape or record.
* Writing in their journals
* Writing notes, cards, and signs
* Watching movies based on books
* Creating new endings to stories we read
* Playing board games
* Playing with words (rhyming, alliteration,
* Acting out parts of stories
* Re-telling stories
* Telling stories in different forms, eg: suitable for a toddler
* Writing their own stories
* Illustrating their stories
* Writing/talking/thinking about characters in books
* Writing letters, addressing envelopes, and writing in cards
* Writing on competition entry forms, and bank slips
* Making lists of things to do, or items they would like
* Writing stories, poems, and captions for artwork
* Making books
* Visiting the library regularly
* Choosing and buying books
* Reading newspapers and magazines
* Reading signs and labels
*Margaret is having some reading troubles and we will be evaluating her for Dyslexia.
Our goal for Dexter, Joaquin, Margaret, Waylon and Hezekiah is that theywill enjoy mathematics, that they all will have good number-sense, and become competent in all basic areas. We also expect that they will have an understanding of how mathematics is woven in to our everyday lives.
Numeracy will be learned in the following (and other) ways:
* Baking and cooking (fractions, measurement)
* Noticing patterns, symmetry and shapes, etc
* Shopping (currency, arithmetic, measurement)
* Counting objects (eg: ponies) or counting time (eg:hide and seek)
* Counting Pocket Money and working out ways to use it
* Playing Board Games, eg: Monopoly (currency, addition, subtraction, value)
* Playing Card Games
* Playing Dice Games, eg: Yahtzee (addition, recording)
* Constructing Lego models from Instructions and imagination
* Playing with Math-U-See blocks, tangrams, linking cubes, counting teddies, pretend money, dice, dominoes, magnetic numbers, rulers, calculators and other mathematical resources we purchase
* Observing times, dates and seasons
* Playing computer games online, and on cd-rom (eg: Reader Rabbit Math)
* Discussing Math and math concepts
* Reading math books (eg: The Grapes of Math)
* Drawing
* Doing puzzles and mazes
* Doing Sudoku and other mathematical puzzles
*Math-U-See DVD's
Our goal for Dexter, Joaquin, Margaret, Waylon and Hezekiah is that they will develop a positive interest in science to develop their scientific thinking skills. We want them to be competent and comfortable with all aspects of technology, and to find enjoyment using them.
They will study science and technology, related to her personal interests and surrounding environment in the following (but not limited to these) ways:
* Watching Science-related documentaries and DVD’s .
* Reading Science books (from our own collection and the library)
* Visiting the Zoo, The Western Center of Archaelogy and Paleontolgy, The Water Education Center, Tierra Buena Community Gaden, meetings for the San Jacinto Valley Green Coalition and other musuems and places.
* Exploring our backyard and garden
* Assisting in the garden. They all loves to plant and care for seeds, and watch them grow
* Attend community awareness events with family
* Discussing environmental issues with family, friends and each other
* Conducting science experiments
* Making and recording observations
* Visiting Science Fairs
* Exploring at beaches and on our walks
* Observing the world around her
* Meeting scientists
* Being involved in recycling and composting our waste
* Using technology in the home and beyond
*Going to Science Saturday's at the Western Center for Archaeolgy and Paleontolgy and other events they offer
The children has free access to our computers (and a laptop), and is encouraged to make use of them as often as they like. They enjoys playing on various websites designed for children, (PBS Kids and NASA for kids).and using some of the programs on each pc (eg; Word and Paintbrush).
They will read various scientific and technological publications as each of their interest leads.
Our goal for Dexter, Joaquin, Margaret. Waylon and Hezekiah is that they each understand the necessity of a healthy body, and to continue to care for her body’s needs. There are many opportunities to learn about health in a home environment, and many ways for them to be physically active.
They will learn about health in the following ways:
* Discussion with family and friends
* Shopping for and preparing food
* Discussing the essentials of a healthy diet
* Discussing various diets around the world
* Reading books on health and disease
* Being prepared in an emergency
* Participation in fire drills, and drawing up escape plans
* Discussing self-esteem
* Discussing her own health issues and those of the rest of the family
* Visiting family and friends in hospital, or when sick
* Discussing various stages of life
* Attending homeschool classes such as gymnastics, swimming lessons, sports groups, as her interest dictates
* Walking regularly- we have made the decision to do without a car during the week, so we walk everywhere we can, and take buses when we need to go further away.
* Bike riding
* Play on our various outdoor structures- geometric dome, bikes and trikes.
* Playing with balls, and sports equipment
* Swimming at our local pools and beaches
* Watching documentaries about the human body
* Cuddles and care, having fun together
* Discussing personal safety
*We live next to a park and go there often
Our goal for Dexter, Joaquin, Margaret, Waylon and Hezekiah is that they will continue to enjoy being creative, and develop her own style... They will have an opportunities to develop their creativity every day, and will learn more about Art and Music in the following (but not limited to these) ways…
* Painting, drawing and creating at home and away.Joaquin and Margaret has a particular interest in arty things.They like to make an incredible array of things out of paper, card, and masses of cellotape and glue
* Doing craft kits, and copying craft/art activities out of the books we own, and those we borrow from the library
* Dancing, singing at home and away. They sing every day, usually songs about her day or what she is feeling at the time
* Listening to the radio or CD’s (various genres)
* Watching musical events on tv or You Tube
* Attending concerts and community events, as their (and our) interest leads
* Dexter is teaching himself to play guitar and the other children are interested in music as well.
* Learning about famous artists and composers
* Entering competitions, eg: from newspapers, shops and tv
* Making music with the various instruments we own, and those we make/invent
* Experimenting with playdough, clay, plasticine, fimo, etc
* Creating things at the library, museum, etc
* Making cards for family and friends
It is our goal that Dexter, Joaquin, Margaret, Waylon, Hezekiah will gain a firm understanding of their places in the world, both in location and time. We expect that they will have a fair understanding of how events unfolded to shape the world we live in today, and a possible idea of how things will look in the future. It is our hope that these subjects will enrich our childrens lives.
We feel it is important for them to understand that “history” happened to people like us, and we will shape the “history” that future generations of people will study.
We expect that an understanding of History and Geography will be infused naturally, in the following (amongst other) ways:
* Looking at wall maps (and smaller maps, and map books) of The United States and the World
* Reading and being read to from various encyclopaedias (People, Histories of the world)
* Looking on maps when family or friends are travelling
* We are members of a groups of homeschoolers who send postcards to each other from all over the world
* Looking at a globe
* Visiting local museums and museums of places we visit.
* Playing Trivial Pursuit and Around the World
* Watching channels like PBS and History Channel (when we get SkyAngel again)and DVD's from Netflix
* Discussion of customs and food of other cultures
* Trying and creating food from other places
* Watching television programs showing different geographic locations
* Reading historical fiction, biographies, books about different countries, children’s atlases and accounts of various events
* Talking to other people about their travels, and memories from when they were younger
* Talking about, and looking at photos of when Aimee was younger
* Noticing places we visit, and the routes we take
* Travelling to other parts of the country, and possibly beyond (one day)
*Reading Daily Devotionals.
*Attending services.
*Reading books relating to our faith and others.
*Meeting and talking with people of other faiths.
*Stewardship and tithing
*Listening to radio shows and podcasts.
*Reading biographies of great men and women of faith.
*Reading the Bible for themselves
We consider the whole world is available to Dexter, Joaquin, Margaret, Waylon and Hezekiah in their educations. They are not separated from the rest of the world, but very much a part of it.
We are always on the lookout for interesting happenings in our community and beyond. Virtually any trip outside our gate is used to “extend and enrich” their educations(as well as nearly everything inside our gate).
On weekends we will attend church, family get togethers, Science Saturday's and Kids Workshops as hey become available.
We will visit the museum again, and swimming pools, beaches,
We will get to as many homeschool get-togethers as we can manage, particularly as the weather improves.
Social Contact
They have constant social contact with their mother and father. They also have public school friends and church friends. Margaret has Girl Scout friends and the boys will be starting a scouting program when one is avilable.
They see people every day, from neighbors, to friends, to check-out operators.They enjoy people of all ages,races, religions and ethnicities.
We see family regularly.
We have several friends that visit our home, and get together with other children/families as often as possible. Many of our friends have large families as well.
Dexter also writes to a few people we know, and some we have never met (via the internet, or postcards) and enjoys keeping in touch in that way. The other kids will soon follow.
They talk to family on the phone, and sometimes friends as well. We see this increasing as each child gets older.
It is very important to us that our children be able to get along with people from all walks of life, regardless of their differences. To this end, we believe we are providing for them very well socially, and will continue to do so- adjusting our schedules and acquaintances to reflect their ever-changing needs.
Joaquin is a high functioining Autistic and even he does not do one on one socialization he is having "contact"with others. He has a dog that is helping him with his needs by being his gateway to talking with others.
Assessment and Evaluation
We are able to assess all the children on a daily basis, as we watch them discover new things, and observe their skills improving.
We have the privilege of being “on the spot” when “a light turns on” and they makes a new discoveries.
We don’t have any timetable for when they will learn each new skill, and trust that they will learn everything they needs for their life in her own time.
Consequently there is no need to assess or compare them to others.
We are able to describe in great detail where they is at in every subject area, due to the constant contact we have with our children.
We are endeavouring to keep a blog about our family’s learning.
Dexter, Joaquin, Margaret, Waylon and Hezekiah's educations are very important to us, and we believe they are learning no matter what activity they are engaged in. Therefore, they are learning (or being taught) all their waking hours. It would be very difficult to separate when they are learning, from when they are not. We believe living and learning are inextricably linked.
We believe they is being “taught” at least as regularly in a public school, but probably more considering they are with us everyday.
Our weeks are filled with interesting activities, which we think provides an exceptionally rich education for them. Our days are structured around ordinary routines, and the necessity of meals, though there are never two days the same.
Every day we are committed to their well-being sand educations, and endeavour to provide them with a memorable and excellent foundation for their futures.
We are always learning, and have read some excellent resources on home education, and how children learn. We make great use of the internet in learning new information, challenging assumptions, and assessing our curriculum.
Our routine is changeable- we see this as a positive thing- being adaptable to the needs of our children. Our love for all of them is not, however, and what is best for each of them is always at the forefront of our minds. We are very proud of our children, and plan to help then have the very best education they can possibly have.
june 4, 2010
Adapted with permission from: Shell in NZ http://sandradodd.com/curriculum/NZ
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