One of the many things I love about unschooling is that we get to dive into things on a whim. Turn a childs natural curiosity into something more. Maggie likes most bugs and has no fear of playing with them, actually she loves most living creatures. She ones caught a baby feild mouse in our apartment and took it out to the field to release it. Well, today she found a ladybug outside. She was out playing in the backyard picking "fairy blossoms" and can running in after she had already brought me a small bouquet. "Mom look at my ladybug. She is tickling me", she said while she smiled her toothless smile. She held out her hand to me showing me her new friend. She put it on my hand then took it back and let Hezzie experience ladybug tickles.
The two sat upon the family table and were giggling and smiling as they enjoyed the ladybug tickles. Maggie wanted to know more. So we found out that ladybugs are sometimes called ladybirds. We found out they come in different shades. We learned that most ladybugs are good but, some terrorize gardeners feasting on crops. We also learned more things about the wonderful ladybugs.
oh boy she wants to know about bees now....last time she caught one it stung her brother Waylon....
much love and life long learning,
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