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Life with Kaishon

Oh my goodness. My heart broke as I read this. It has surprised me as I have grown older that so many of the friendships I held near and dear have changed. I wanted it to stay the same forever.


:) It is never easy when people change so drastically. I tend to hold on thinking a light will go on in either party. It never does.

Account Deleted

Oh gosh. I wish I could hug you right now, Anita. I know if we lived close to each other we'd be such good friends.
I've had friends treat me this way because of my weight and how I've chosen to raise my kids.
I let a very good friend go three years ago because she was giving me a hard time for dumpster diving and letting my kids eat the food, among other things.
She basically threatened CPS and that's a huge no no. Don't you dare try to mess with my kids.
Anyway.. I love you and think you're beautiful.


You know I am done with people like that! I think we'd be great friends as well. I always love a good hug.

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