For many, many decades I have had a love/hate relationship with my hair. Once the hormones of puberty my straight black hair slowly became wavy. It was hard to manage and I was often lazy with it when it was long. Short hair has been easier for me at certain times. Long hair gave me something to hide behind for many years.
Not too long ago I had my husband cut off about a foot of my loverly dreadlocks. It was a moment of symbolic insanity. He was resistant at first but, he did it. I told him just to go for it, not to have any rhyme or reason for where he cut. I think he was more upset than I was. The end result was a cute messy hair cut. I still have pieces of the dreads to condition out.
When all my baby dreads were gone, my hair was uneven, and I actually liked it. My hair is now curly and it was easy to manage just brush lightly after a shower, put on a hat or bow, and "fluff" my hair a bit.
Well, today I asked Jimmy to even my hair out. He pulled one of my many pairs of scissors out of my "bag of tricks" and went to work. He is very meticulous and always does a good job with my hair. I am amazed every time he does something with it. Once he gave me highlights and when I went for a perm (my hair was 1/2 curly 1/2 straight so shhhh) the lady asked who did them, she wanted to hire him, he was a cable guy at the time. Isn't that funny? Anyhow, here is my new hair and I love it. My face has thinned out enough to wear it shorter and not look so bad.
Love and Hairbows,